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Graffiti Attack

Street bomb, slam, TAG, throwup – graffiti comes with many names have many names but how will you leave your mark?

Graffiti dates back to early Roman, Greek and Egyptian times. It can be used as a form of expression, a personal mark, or even a gang territory marker but today it will be used to represent YOU! Working as teams you will have the opportunity to design and then spray or draw your very own team or company logo and moto onto giant backgrounds.

Using different types of art and design your team will be able to go through a process of understanding the use of spray paints, stencils markers and paints working with different colours and textures before eventually deciding as a team on your design before working on a final canvas.

Suitable for groups of between 5 and 100 you can either build individual works of art of giant group efforts.

You need little or no artist skill for this, it is equally as much fun for the novice as it is the budding Picasso – or more appropriately Banksy.

Through our experience we have found teams not only look at how they function as a group and what dynamic they have together but also look more closely at what individual traits strengths and weaknesses they bring to the team. These personal impressions are then conveyed into the larger group piece. It offers a chance for self-reflection, and group understanding but perhaps most importantly a lot of fun and laughter.

What is provided:

  • Art instructors
  • Music
  • Giant card canvasses
  • Paints
  • Stencils (to help the less artistic)
  • Compere
  • Site visit
  • All safety equipment